Bella Montessori is Kaiapoi’s first educational Montessori Preschool. We have highly experienced teachers, some who have a combination of Early Childhood Degree and a Montessori qualification. Our philosophy promotes a supportive community where children look after one another. Teachers promote gentle and caring interactions.
Montessori education for children 0-6 years, specialised art, soccer and ballet classes operate throughout the year.
Bella Montessori Preschool welcomes new families. Please call in and visit us anytime during our opening hours. Telephone 3276066 or 0212772170
7.45 am-3.45 pm Monday to Friday
9.00-12.00 Session one
1.00-3.30pm Session two
9.00-3.00pm Extended day Core Montessori programme operates 9-3pm